Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit
The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS) aims to enhance the survivability and capability of Special Operation Forces (SOF) in a range of threat and operational environments. The TALOS challenge contends with Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity on three fronts:
- A constantly changing and uncertain threat environment for Operators (users);
- A dynamic, fast-paced, and often disruptive technology landscape for system developers and integrators; and
- A constrained and, at times, ambiguous policy and regulatory environment for program/acquisition managers and decision makers.
Our Task
- Provide user-centered research & analysis
- Provide Design Thinking training and instruction
- Advise on rapid technology acquisition solutions
- Advise on non-traditional technology scouting and discovery
Skills Involved
- Data analytics
- Research
- Design Thinking
- Technology domain assessment
- Technical Reporting