Check-In/Badging (Day 1 Only)

First Landing Chapel 600 Port au Prince, Hill Rd, Virginia Beach

Event and Security Check-in for Day 1 ONLY @ CHAPEL from 0700-0900EST and 1030-1200EST. See map for location. To check in you: must be registered, have an active PCL, and […]

Opening Briefing (Virtual Available)

First Landing Chapel 600 Port au Prince, Hill Rd, Virginia Beach

Opening Brief with a Virtual Inbrief option available. Briefing will provide important information about the TS process, available assets and resources, exercise schedule, as well security and safety compliance requirements within the […]

Move-in to TS Compound

TS Camp: Collaboration Tent 590 Algiers Rd, Virginia Beach

Capability Providers (CPs) will set up in Collaboration Tent, Assessment Teams will move-in and organize within their respective tents/spaces within the compound

Day 1 Evening Sync

TS Camp: Collaboration Tent 590 Algiers Rd, Virginia Beach

Day 1 evening sync will serve to provide a quick overview of the exercise launch and most importantly dive into the schedule/plans for Day 2 experiments. It is critical for […]